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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

18 weeks!

Today marked 18 weeks which means we're almost halfway! It was a little stressful week for this mama-to-be, but today we went in for the anatomy scan ultrasound and heard the most wonderful news-Baby C is developing perfectly and is definitely a girl! Now we can put some paint on those nursery walls! Here's a picture from today's ultrasound. I just love her sweet little face already.
And now for the weekly update:
Total weight gain: 2 lbs (lost 2 this week. what the heck?)
Maternity clothes? A cute new dress my Mom picked up for me!
Stretch marks? None, crossing fingers!
Sleep: Not too well, sharp pains and numbness all week.
Best moment of the week: The most amazing prenatal massage of my life! And of course seeing our sweetheart on the screen and learning everything looks great!
Missing anything? Energy!
Movement? She is moving around 24/7! I love the feeling :)
Food cravings: FRESH FRUIT! I put this in caps to emphasize how much I had to have it!! And my hubbs made it happen! What a guy.
Symptoms: Where do I start? Apparently this little one likes to hang out nice and low which results in numbness and sharp pains. I'm hoping she takes a trip north soon ;)
Queasy or sick? I'm afraid to put this in writing but for the first week I can actually say...NO! Just phantom gagging but no puking which means no meds. Yay!
Looking forward to: picking out paint for the nursery!
Weekly Wisdom or Wacky Moment: Baby moved like crazy when we watched our favorite show, Big Brother. She's a fan already.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

17 Weeks!

Total weight gain: 4 lbs
Maternity clothes? Definitely pants/jeans because nothing buttons now!
Stretch marks? No, hoping to stay that way ;)
Sleep: Fairly good, in between crazy dreams/nightmares starring typically yours truly and a random celeb like Kourtney Kardashian or Oprah...
Best moment of the week: Feeling her first kick!!
Missing anything? Not yet.
Movement? Yes! Occasional flutters and then the first kick while I slept last night. Wasn't sure if it was a dream or not, but felt another earlier this evening.
Food cravings: Still salty!
Symptoms: hip/joint pain which I wasn't expecting so soon.
Queasy or sick? Understatement. Still on anti-nausea meds to limit vomiting :(
Looking forward to: a prenatal massage on Thursday!
Weekly Wisdom or Wacky Moment: When my hubbs asked me if we will have the baby at the same place we go for our doctors appointments... I told him I would prefer the hospital! Ha!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Some news to share...

Finally, after 12 long weeks of keeping a BIG secret, we announced our pregnancy to the world (aka Facebook)!  We enlisted the help of our amazing photographer friend, Alicja Burnette, who helped us capture not only our pregnancy announcement but our special Gender Reveal as well!  I'd say it turned out pretty amazing. Take a look... 
Watch our announcement video here!

Amanda & Johnny from Alicja Burnette on Vimeo.