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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

29 Weeks!

Can't believe the third trimester is here and it is already almost halfway through November. Time is really flying by now! Baby C's crib is all setup thanks to her Daddy and she has a closet full of her cousin Presley's favorite outfits. It is really fun to start filling up her room and it makes us more and more excited to see her in it soon!Total weight gain: 19 lbsMaternity clothes? Of course! This little lady is growing and so is Mama's bump! Stretch marks? Hubbs took me to Whole Foods to get this fabulous stretch mark oil that his hair lady recommended. It.Is.Amazing! I don't have any stretch marks so far but I really like the oil because it has a wonderful and soothing scent to it.Sleep: Rarely sleeping through the night now :( Best moment of the week: Dr said I'm looking great and that was a happy moment :) also we decided on our pediatrician which is one thing to check off our list.Missing anything? Sushi! Went went yesterday and I had a delicious California roll to satisfy the craving until I can have the good stuff.Movement? Nearly 24/7! It's great :)Food cravings: apples ans still pumpkin spice lattes... in moderation ;)Symptoms: so happy the sciatica hasn't come back since I went into the hospital, yay! But the Braxton Hicks can be felt almost every day now. Queasy or sick? Starting to gag again, Lord please don't bring back the nausea! Looking forward to: thanksgiving dinner :) it's coming up soon!!Weekly Wisdom: Had some girlfriends over for a Pinterest party and since they're all mothers themselves I did pick up some good tips! Thanks girls :)