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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

An anniversary and unexpected hospital tour

Well this last month sure has flown by! No time for blogging to say the least. At 22 weeks hubbs and I enjoyed our 2 year wedding anniversary. We went out for a delicious teppanyaki dinner and I snapped this little photo, but didn't get the chance to do my weekly chalkboard picture. Boo! I started not feeling too fabulous on October 1st, and woke up the next day feeling like I'd never felt before. After a long day in and out of the doctor, lab and ultrasound office I ended up in the hospital. Silly me, when my primary care doctor said to go to the ER I thought she literally meant it. So I show up and they take one look at me and send me upstairs to Labor & Delivery. Scared the HECK out of me to be there so early. I guess I just thought they admitted preggers that were literally in labor, but apparently they take the sick ones too. So there I stayed for two days from an apparent gastro virus that caused a lot of pain and an enlarged liver. Not fun. But I do have to say that the hospital was awesome! The nurses were great, my OB came over several times to check on me. It was reassuring that through it all our Baby girl was as healthy as can be and not in any distress at all. Although it wasn't quite the tour we had planned, our early stay gave the hubbs and I a mental checklist of things to be sure and pack in our hospital bag for when D Day actually comes. A few weeks later, lots of bedrest, soup and water and I'm back to work and feeling much better! I even got around to a few weekly photos so enjoy!